I am happy to join Gypsy Fish Journal for Silver Sunday!
I'd like to take us on an journey of a different silver!
I'd like to take us on an journey of a different silver!
Old fashioned cook stoves!
How many of you have hungered for a simpler time. One where a kettle sang on the stove all day, or the aroma of baking bread filled the whole house?
Heavy cast iron behemoths, squatting in the kitchen. Marvels of cast and chrome holding center stage!
Grate Restoration Stove works and Country Collectibles. Owned by Richard and Donna Vank of Courtland, Ontario, have been restoring antique and wood burning stoves for the past ten years and they have stoves that date back to the mid 1800's. They carry ornate cook stoves, parlor stoves, pot bellies, early gas and electric ranges as well as modern airtight wood stoves and cook stoves for fuel efficiency. Some stoves are in 'found' condition and are used for movie props and historic displays.
The beautiful silver piece of cast is the ornament on the top of the pot belly on the right.
Courtland, Ontario, located in the village just south of number 3 highway. Open all year. Website, phone listed at bottom.

The intricate designs in the mold of cast iron always amazes me. How did they do it? Delicate feet holding such massive weight.
Located in a wonderful old Grist Mill. Look at those wooden floors!

You can't help but caress the enamel surfaces. The silver pieces so lovingly shone. The stove on the left is electric, the one on the right is gas. I love the warming ovens in the top.

This sweet little white model is a gas burner!
How much for such a delight you ask?

Remember that's Canadian dollars!
Pre-owned? It looks brand new!

Have as much fun with the website as I did with this post!
Thanks for joining me on silver Sunday!
Go visit Gypsy Fish and see the list of wonderful silver Sunday Posts!
I would love one of the ose ranges in my kitchen. Gas, please!
I love that white one too! A unique and interesting post - thanks!
The black one with the SOLD sign on it is beautiful!! I have just the place for it...LOL!!
Great Post!
Have a Wonderful Weekend!
I love these stoves! My favorite is the last one ~ it is delightful indeed!
I love that white and blue stove. What a beauty!..Christine
I love those old stoves. It would be great to have one in the kitchen for sure.
Hi Lucy...
Ohhh...I just left you a long note over on your other blog...so this one will be short and sweet! Hehe!
I do love these old stoves...I stand amazed at the craftmanship! We have a wood burning stove in our dining room...couldn't or wouldn't want to live without it...especially during our long, cold Colorado winters! However, it isn't anything as ornate as these that you have pictured! We do have a treasure though...my father-in-law passed away last year and we have acquired all of his estate. In the basement of one of his houses stands a very old cast iron stove! It must be about 5 ft tall and I can't imagine how heavy it is! Eeeks! But it has all the beautiful ornate silver metal workings on it! It's gorgeous! But...we don't have any idea how we would get it out of there! Hehe! I'm not sure where or what we would do with it if we could get it out! Ooops...I did say short and sweet...didn't I? Hehe!
Thank you for sharing all of these fabulous photos of the old cook and wood burning stoves!!! Simply fabulous!!!
Warmest winter wishes,
Chari @Happy To Design
Awww! They are gorgeous!
Have a wonderful week.
TTFN ~ Marydon
You are a mind reader!
Just when I'm delighting in the wooden floors, I scroll down, and you're commenting on them.
Just when I'm delighting in the warming ovens, yep, you are too!
And just when I'm poised to ask you the price of the white stove, you provide the answer!
I love each and every one of these. I also love that little tasseled footstool, behind the stove in the third picture.
I adore these trips you take us on. Every visit with Lucy and Dick is filled with fun!
Sitting here on the coldest day of the year in NJ looking at your stoves.....makes the day seem warm and toasty! Thanks for being part of Silver Sunday....see you next week~
{{gypsy hugs}}
Some of these pieces are so pretty, they are works of art! I love them all! Thanks for sharing, I enjoyed browsing over them! ~Rhonda :)
Those are beautiful. I remember we had one like the one on the right in picture #4 when I was a kid. Thanks so much for sharing the photos!
Wow - these stoves are beautiful.
Those stoves are incredible. They are like works of art. I think it would be really cool to own one of these.
Those stoves are works of functional art! I just love them! We have an old one (not very ornate) that we use at our cabin in Northern Michigan.
I love the blue and white one...too pricey for me..but surely is a collector's piece!
Happy Silver Sunday
Miss Bloomers
I love these old stoves. Such character. Thanks for sharing.
Wow! Just beautiful!
I just love those old fashioned cook stoves. To me they are so much more appealing than the modern ones. Thank you so much for showing and have a great Silver Sunday!
Hi, I have a friend that goes "gaga" over these stoves since she is into the 50's decor. They are so pretty!!
Those stoves are amazing!!!!
Thanks for stopping by-Happy Silver Sunday!
The food always seem to taste just that bit better from those old stoves.
Hi Lucy
Well I love your variation on Silver Sunday this week.. I sadly didn't join in as it would have been a push to say the moon was my silver thing! haha
You know I love these stoves.. they look like the would suit the type of home I would love to own one day... somewhere cosy and full of tradition and happy times... Great post xx Julie
What an interesting post. This reminded me of an old gas stove that I had when my husband and I first got married. I loved it.
It baked everything perfectly, and it had a broiler.
What happened to those wonderful things?
Alot of the old stoves are like works of art. I'd love to have one someday!
Oh. My. Goodness. That white one with the blue pattern...gorgeous...I would love one like that! Reminds me of an old stove we had when I was a child...my mother couldn't wait to be rid of it. I love the plate warming oven at the top.
Gorgeous pieces! How I would love to have a warming oven especially on a cold winter day like today. The kitchen would be so cozy. Happy Silver Sunday! xo Lynn
That white stove is my dream stove! Thanks for sharing ~ Theresa
There is just something homey and warm about stoves -- love the silver on top -- a great silver post!
I love them... simply love them.... although I do not think I could bring myself to pay such a price... yet still beautiful pictures
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