I am handy, artsy fartsy and have a rewarding gift. What better reason for creating a Blog dedicated to serving spirit and humanity, comfort, taste and happiness? I have an amazing lifestyle business, I travel, I cook, I'm a car guy and I enjoy life. I also have a need to pass these things along and I am hoping you will enjoy taking the trip with me. The ride may be bumpy, but rest assured it will be one worth joining. I am Medium Kathleen, (Kathleen Janes) and I am your host today. Enjoy!
This story was begun on Monday, June 28, 2010 and is entitled Katie and Mr Werbowski. Sometimes, I'll still post photographs and jump back and forth, because that's just how I am! So if you'd like, use the following link:
I 'll also copywrite it, so don't get any thoughts there either!(Little joke there! As if!)
Chapter 4
Walking Up The Lane
Mr Werbowski fairly skipped up the lane! Well, if a fairly big man could skip and hop, that's what he would have done!
"John" as he thought of himself, was so truly, unbelievably happy! He had his letter in his hand, (gently held so as not to ruin the fragile paper! He would never let anything happen to this letter of hers!) And... The very fact that she had written at all, was just so unbelievably unbelievable!
Little puffs of dust kicked up with each joyous footstep! The cuffs of his work trousers becoming chalky with it! A whiff of Missouri river sand hit his nostrils and plop! He stopped! He looked down towards his planted feet.
"What will a young lady think Jack?" He demanded to the yellow dog.
Jack of course just plopped himself on his haunches, (swirling more dust) and twisting his wide noggin sideways in universal dog-ism, asked his master: "What cha' mean boss?"
John, hands and arms flailed in anguished expression of his dismay and he yelled his misgivings to the heavens: " I've finally found meself a young lady and what on earth will I do with this bachelor's farm?"
His worried eyes took in the view.....
So here's something else: I've never been to either Missouri or Ireland, so if I make a historical, geographic or period information mistake, I'm sorry!
These photographs were shot with my Nikon P-90 digital camera and downloaded directly from the camera and then to this blog. My aim is to take my reader along with me on the journey, so although I am aware of my framing of the shot, content and quality, I am most interested in sharing the experience.
I am a middle aged woman with basic education and I'd be what you'd call 'well read.' Sure, I have the odd college credit here and there, but although I like to fancy myself proficient at some things, I am really not an expert. I laugh a lot and have a wicked sense of humor and live life pretty much as I see it. I also can't help myself but to try to pass my knowledge along.... hence this blog. Take it and use it as lightheartedly as it's given and remember my motto: 'the sooner we make comedies out of tragedies, the better!' Email me anytime at Lucy74Port@yahoo.com
nice glad you are progressing slowly with this and you are building good tension along the way as well...
You may have never been to either place, but your write a heck of a story!
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