Still in pretty good condition, but obviously really not used anymore. It's a shame, but everyone who knows will agree that if a barns is not in use, it will literally die and this tidy one is in the beginning stages.
The windows are falling in or have been knocked out.
It still has Hydro, but whether they breaker is switched on?
I'd love to know the story behind that huge arcing scratch under the window! (Obviously done before the hydro stack was installed.)

The cement foundation is starting to crack and disintegrate.
Once again, I love the striations of the rust marks!

The birds and animals have chewed and clawed holes for entry.
(See near the peak, there's a door and a hole?)

So "Secret Garden"
I wonder how long it's been since a human used this door?
Awesome! You'd lvoe it around here, sadly more people are tearing down or burning their wooden barns and putting up new metal ones :(
This is a wonderful trip through this barn's past (and recent history). I love the "secret garden" and door. It's like something in a novel, don't you think?
Glad you keep posting the barn pictures. I used to have a ton of them on one of my computers. Computer crashed, I hadn't backed anything up on disc. Lost them all. I learn things the hard way. If you ever get a chance to go through Iowa or Wisconsin do it. They have some of the neatist barns I've seen. X.
Beautiful old relic!
My husband and I love driving around the country roads. That barn wood is great for country style signs...if it ever is available.
Those pictures are wonderful! I often wonder about the stories behind the old barns alongside the highways...
love this one!
I am always enchanted by old barns as well. ;c)
Fabulous barn. What a shame that old beauties like this one are going to ruin all across the country.
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