I bet you all have stories like these too, but rather than bore you with my memories, I will show you a beautiful wishing well we discovered on one of our crop dusting tours.
...And I will paint a picture....
Just there, by itself, stands a wishing well.
Forlorn you might think,
but no...

Someone's hands carefully laid the stones in mortar. Only a foot at a time and then it had to dry to withstand the weight of the next layer.
Who picked those stones?
Did they come from a field or a barn foundation of perhaps someone's fireplace?
Did a young man build this for his bride? Her watching from the kitchen window of the farmhouse and maybe bringing him a cool glass of water when the sun's rays became too hot?

I can see him, in my mind's eye, hewing the blocks of wood with his axe to make shingles and laying them ever so carefully so that the sun would not heat the well's water.
Perhaps she was the one who whitewashed his handmade creation to preserve it for a time?
Whose hands have touched the crank, bringing up the cool sweetness from the earth?

As I drive away and leave this wonder,
I am glad I am loved.
I am glad I am loved.
A story comes from a modest country yard...
Did you look around you today and see something through my eyes?
All Pictures were taken and downloaded directly from my Digital Camera, a Nikon P90 without alteration of any kind.
I really enjoyed the pictures and how you imagined the story behind it. And if your cookies tasted as good as they looked....
Beautifully said and wonderfully captured snapshots of that wishing well.
How nice your thoughts on that old well were. We see so many thins like that every day and don't think about the story behind them. I'll have to start taking more notice of things around me.
When I see something old, I like to visualize who made it and what they were like.
BTW, you are not alone in having made bad choices or having spent holidays alone. I've had my share which, thankfully, is in the past. lol
Love the wishing well and the imagined story behind it.
Beautiful imagination, Lucy! Happy Valentine's Day!...Christine
Beautiful! Happy Valentine's Day. It's good to be loved.
ohh...I love that wishing well
Lucy, I love the wishing well, and your imagination.
The wishing well is great. When I see old structures like this my mind is always filled with questions about its past.
This is lovely, and made lovelier still by your imaginative story.
How very sweet, Lucy. And whoever it was who put the well together, and lived there, they couldn't be more alive than they are today through your imagination! Thanks for the journey...
What a great story to go with your beautiful photos. I like your line at the end. We do need to look around more and not take all the wonder for granted.
appreciable thoughts and imagination indeed..
You took the pictures that I saw and sent my mind into another time imagining the life that old crank well has seen. Thanks!
Ya'll have a richly blessed day!!! :o)
can't help but be amazed by your unedited photographs, and wonderful story behind those pictures..truly wow!
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