Here we go again!
Beauty is a thing that creates pleasure and happiness.
Plain and simple!
You can have things that are horrid for some and for others, a sight to behold.
And then we have:
Isn't this sign just a peach?
And doesn't it simply the truth about the secrets of happyness?
We were driving through the countryside and I felt compelled to pull over and photograph this piece of unintentional sculpture.
Unintentional Sculpture you ask?
Here it is....

A shape in a field. Is it sculpture or is it nothing but junk piled high?

The soft edges of color blending one with the other.

Are the pieces bound together by plan or a design of mischance?

Do the shapes please the eye?

The shading of reds to browns to grays... was it intentional or happenstance?

Do the photographs please you or only offend?
I think you're reaching a little on this one Lucy! lol
I agree with Eva, but you know what you said is so true. What I consider beautiful isn't something everyone likes all the time.
I never would have stopped, but you made an ordinary pile of junk into something unique. T
he blending and contrast of colors are quite beautiful in the fifth photo (or next to the last) with the wheat colored grass up against the rust which goes to red in the tractor/combine, whatever. In the second one, the mist beyond the "sculpture" which acts as a filter in front of the trees.
In short, may my eyes begin to see. :D
It looks like art when you photograph it because you are an artist.
Poor old thing. It looks a bit worn out, to me. Sculpture? Only if I squint!
I definitely see the art, and I hate to admit it, but I probably would have stopped and photographed it, too. Sigh.
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