Sweet, cloying smoke that just made the world seem right.
A lungfull of the thick, vibrant stuff that comes from a cigarette. From my Players cigarette in fact.
Beautiful sky blue package and the sleeve that slipped in and out, revealing those tubes of joy. (Canadian Package remember, not a box. ) Nothing marred with a filter here, just whiteness and the feel so fine in my nervous fingers.
I would hold it and flick the tube, sending an amber ball shooting off with the ash.

The cigarettes were my hero. Didn't you know?
See? It says so on his cap!
Of course I quit smoking many years ago and these tins were used by my Dad's generation, but they are more glamorous than the boxes that still exist. I used to point out the hero thing on the caps to people who also smoked Players and they had never noticed! The story is that this brand of cigarettes were brought out to sort of target the sailors. Subliminal marketing even then!
Winner of my 100th post contest is Richard at the Bewildered Brit
Congratulations and thanks to everyone who left a comment and entered. Hmmm... What'll I give away for the 200th?
All of these photos were again shot and loaded directly from my Nikon P90 and then posted without alteration of any kind.
Great post...fabulous tin...they really knew how to market back in the day!!
Happy St. Patty's Day to ya!! xOxO
I remeber seeing those Players somewhere.
Boy am I glad I quit smoking! It's been decades but I still sometimes wish for one. And I'm glad you quit, too, so we can keep having you around for fun and games and pictures and laughs and...
such a wonderful post :)
Oh wow!
: Does little dance :
Thank you so much! I can't believe I won. It's even cooler cos today's actually my birthday! :)
Those old cigarette boxes are really lovely, aren't they? I'm sure it felt really classy to take one of those out of your pocket! NicNacManiac's right: they really *did* know how to market back then, didn't they?
I'm glad you let go of your "hero".
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