I am handy, artsy fartsy and have a rewarding gift. What better reason for creating a Blog dedicated to serving spirit and humanity, comfort, taste and happiness? I have an amazing lifestyle business, I travel, I cook, I'm a car guy and I enjoy life. I also have a need to pass these things along and I am hoping you will enjoy taking the trip with me. The ride may be bumpy, but rest assured it will be one worth joining. I am Medium Kathleen, (Kathleen Janes) and I am your host today. Enjoy!
This story was begun on Monday, June 28, 2010 and is entitled Katie and Mr Werbowski.
Sometimes, I'll still post photographs and jump back and forth, because that's just how I am! My job has also sort of taken over my energy, but I'll post as much as I can!
...For the very first installment! __________________
From the previous post.....
( John, hands and arms flailed in anguished expression of his dismay and he yelled his misgivings to the heavens: " I've finally found meself a young lady and what on earth will I do with this bachelor's farm?"
His worried eyes took in the view..... )
Chapter six....Panic!
Suddenly and without warning, there appeared a second cloud of dust as John Werbowski's butt hit the dirt of the laneway. He hung his bronzed chin in his big, working man's hands and wept.
"Oh my Lord! What will she ever think?" He raised his watery gaze to the scene in front of him and here is what he saw:
A shack. A tired and hastily built shack. Made with boards bought at the lumber store in town and they weren't even properly matching boards. Just whatever the lumberyard had that was cheap!
"Aw Jack! You an' me didn't need much, did we?" The dog wagged back. A sharp lick to a defenseless cheek. Jack thought the tears tasted nice. Sort of like the salt pork his master sometimes dropped from his fingers as treats! He cocked his head. Maybe if he stayed very, very still and looked cute enough, there would be pork somewhere?
John rubbed at his bursting eyes to clear them, looked again and this time saw a dirt yard. Not a blade nor a bloom to break up the expanse of Missouri dirt. Not a decorative stone nor a wooden gate for relief. Just dirt.
"We didn't need any fru-frus, eh Jack?" He patted his dog's head and Jack wagged his tail in anticipation...
"He's getting ready to drop pork!" He sniffed his master's hand. "Is there pork there?"
John had stopped the tears the panic had sprung and with the determination he was known for, he studied his homestead. The shack had a window. A door and a window and one big room. Not a thread of cloth hung in the window, not a doorknob on the door. Just plain, simple, functional bits and pieces that a man and dog needed to make a day with.
John lifted the dog's head in both hands and allowed the pet to lick the tears to his hearts content. He laid his cheek next to this buff colored animal who had been his only companion and ordered:
"Well boy! We've got some work to do! We have a fine Irish lady who says she's going to come and keep us company and if we expect her to stay, we'd best get busy and make her a house fit for staying in!"
... And so as Katie was making plans with her trunks and boxes, Mr Werbowski and Jack began the plans for a proper home.
... And with the planning and work, the panic receded to the back corner of his mind....
I 'll also copywrite it, so don't get any thoughts there either! (Little joke there! As if someone would steal it and actually put it into print!)
Katie and Mr Werbowski will continue... But for today:
White flowers are a symbol of purity and chastity. (Funny, I had to use spell check for both of those!)
These Hydrangeas were in full bloom in Pinafore Park in St Thomas when I drove through on June 30th.
When you see these, you can imagine why folks think white means purity!
The shading of greens and the white that is actually just the palest of green!
These photographs were shot with my Nikon P-90 digital camera and downloaded directly from the camera and then to this blog. My aim is to take my reader along with me on the journey, so although I am aware of my framing of the shot, content and quality, I am most interested in sharing the experience.
This story was begun on Monday, June 28, 2010 and is entitled Katie and Mr Werbowski. Sometimes, I'll still post photographs and jump back and forth, because that's just how I am!
...For the very first installment! I 'll also copywrite it, so don't get any thoughts there either! (Little joke there! As if!) __________________
Chapter 5
Katie finally sobbed herself to sleep that night and crawled into her bed in the rafters with a heavy heart. The sleep of total exhaustion enveloped her and a finger of morning light found it's way through the thatch of the roof way too soon. She rubbed her gritty, swollen eyes and sighed. "Well my girl? You've decided and so ye'd best make tha' best of it!" She swung out from under the bedclothes and made her way back to the worn, wooden kitchen table where she had last night sealed her fate into a filmy piece of paper. Today, she would begin the process of telling her hard won customers that she would no longer be available for their abusive comments and filthy clothes! She lifted her chin just a notch. "An' that'll be a joy, it will!" "What di' you say there my Katie?" Her mother was already at the sink, a big spoon in hand and as she turned to give the oatmeal a stir, she jumped into Katie's thoughts: "Are ye a goin' to tell your customers today? You hated the drudgery for sure!" "How did she read my mind?" Katie thought and then with a brave smile she answered: "Yes, I hated the servitude o' it Mam, but it was work all the same and I was glad o' it!" Her mother again waived the worn, wooden spoon for emphasis. "There'll be none of that where you're goin' and for that I'll be ever grateful to your brother Sean and that Polish man!" And then she noticed her beloved daughter's weary countenance and scurried over to her side." Aw my babe! Is it changin' your mind you're thinkin'?" "No Mam. It's surely I'll be missin' you and Da though." And then an idea invaded her mind like a bingo ball popping out the bubble to go down the chute. "Oh!" She couldn't help but give a start! "If I'm able and sent for you, would you an Da come to Missouri?" Her hand fled to her lips almost as if the thought wasn't better to be spoken! Where had that come from? Her Mam fell back against the solidness of the sink and for a moment, Katie thought she might have to rush over and support her mam's weight. "Mam? Are you alright?" She quivered herself in fear! And then the future took an enormous swing to the positive and Katie's Mam said: "Why..... Why yes! We could! Do you suppose your Polish man would bring us?"
....And Katie didn't know, but answered all the same, "Don't worry Mam. You an' Da will be with me in that Missouri before the next year is gone by!
...And Katie began placing the crockery for breakfast. She had to start this journey she had set herself and her family upon! ______________
PS: If anybody's wondering... I've got a promotion and once again, life is getting in the way. So! If I go missing for a couple of days, don't worry, I'll be back again as soon as I catch my breath!
This story was begun on Monday, June 28, 2010 and is entitled Katie and Mr Werbowski. Sometimes, I'll still post photographs and jump back and forth, because that's just how I am! So if you'd like, use the following link:
I 'll also copywrite it, so don't get any thoughts there either!(Little joke there! As if!)
Chapter 4
Walking Up The Lane
Mr Werbowski fairly skipped up the lane! Well, if a fairly big man could skip and hop, that's what he would have done!
"John" as he thought of himself, was so truly, unbelievably happy! He had his letter in his hand, (gently held so as not to ruin the fragile paper! He would never let anything happen to this letter of hers!) And... The very fact that she had written at all, was just so unbelievably unbelievable!
Little puffs of dust kicked up with each joyous footstep! The cuffs of his work trousers becoming chalky with it! A whiff of Missouri river sand hit his nostrils and plop! He stopped! He looked down towards his planted feet.
"What will a young lady think Jack?" He demanded to the yellow dog.
Jack of course just plopped himself on his haunches, (swirling more dust) and twisting his wide noggin sideways in universal dog-ism, asked his master: "What cha' mean boss?"
John, hands and arms flailed in anguished expression of his dismay and he yelled his misgivings to the heavens: " I've finally found meself a young lady and what on earth will I do with this bachelor's farm?"
His worried eyes took in the view.....
So here's something else: I've never been to either Missouri or Ireland, so if I make a historical, geographic or period information mistake, I'm sorry!
These photographs were shot with my Nikon P-90 digital camera and downloaded directly from the camera and then to this blog. My aim is to take my reader along with me on the journey, so although I am aware of my framing of the shot, content and quality, I am most interested in sharing the experience.
...And rejoice in the truth that we live in a country that is so beautiful and free!
These photographs were shot with my Nikon P-90 digital camera and downloaded directly from the camera and then to this blog. My aim is to take my reader along with me on the journey, so although I am aware of my framing of the shot, content and quality, I am most interested in sharing the experience.
I am a middle aged woman with basic education and I'd be what you'd call 'well read.' Sure, I have the odd college credit here and there, but although I like to fancy myself proficient at some things, I am really not an expert. I laugh a lot and have a wicked sense of humor and live life pretty much as I see it. I also can't help myself but to try to pass my knowledge along.... hence this blog. Take it and use it as lightheartedly as it's given and remember my motto: 'the sooner we make comedies out of tragedies, the better!' Email me anytime at Lucy74Port@yahoo.com